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Here you find the latest news from MTS!                                                                                                                

Some countries in Europe have extended driving restrictions for heavy traffic during the summer months, June-July-August.

There are extra driving ban in Poland during week 18.
Sunday, 08:00 - 22:00

MTS would like to wish all our customers, drivers, subcontractors and agents a
Happy Easter!

Camp Zilina is a temporary accommodation for Ukrainian war refugees.

During the period 2022-04-22 to October 2023, the Tingstad tunnel in Gothenburg will be completely or partially closed due to renovation and mainte

During February 2022 the second phase of EU:s Mobility package was implemented.

In February 2022, the second phase of the EU Mobility Package was implemented.

The Hungarian Transport Agency has announced an extended driving ban from 22:00 on Friday 2022-03-11 to 22:00 on Tuesday 2022-03-15.

Due to the situation in the world, the transit times may be affected. The situation in the

Due to cancelled and limited ferry departures between 2022.02.18 - 2022.02.20, some delays may occur.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our customers, colleagues, subcontractors and drivers for the cooperation over

During the summertime, June-July-August, some countries in Europ