Customer survey


Customer survey

An important part of our ISO work includes conducting customer surveys.

Our customer survey for 2023 is now closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers who participated in our survey. Our result was 4.6 out of a possible 5.0. On the question "how do you rate the treatment in the contact", MTS received 4.82 out of a possible 5, which is clear evidence that MTS is perceived as a reliable and long-term supplier. It is a good result but we are not satisfied with this, we will continue to strive to be better all the time.


Som ett steg i expansionen av tullavdelningen på MTS/Rhenus har vi skapat en gemensam e-mailadress för alla tullärenden:

Vi vill passa på att tacka alla våra kunder, samarbetspartners, kollegor, agenter och chaufförer för det gångna året och tillönska er alla en rikti